Ми надаємо клієнтам безкоштовні зразки вагою не більше 500 г для тестування.

Зміцнюємо партнерство та розширюємо горизонти: Наш досвід участі у виставці F Istanbul

Strengthening Partnerships and Expanding Horizons: Our Experience at the F Istanbul Exhibition   We are thrilled to share our recent participation in the prestigious F Istanbul Food Fair held in Türkiye. This event served as a pivotal platform for us to deepen relationships with our valued clients and forge new connections within the vibrant Turkish […]

Емульгатори: Необхідні інгредієнти у сучасному виробництві продуктів харчування

Emulsifiers: Essential Ingredients in Modern Food Production Emulsifiers are vital components in food processing, serving as agents that help mix ingredients that typically don’t blend well, such as oil and water. They are crucial in creating a stable, uniform texture in various food products, ensuring consistent quality, and enhancing the overall eating experience. In this […]

Забезпечення безпеки харчових продуктів: Кремнезем і карбонат кальцію як надійні замінники діоксиду титану

Ensuring Food Safety: Silica and Calcium Carbonate as Reliable Substitutes for Titanium Dioxide Ensuring Food Safety: Silica and Calcium Carbonate as Reliable Substitutes for Titanium Dioxide In recent years, the food industry has increasingly focused on safety standards, particularly regarding the use of food additives. Titanium dioxide (TiO2), a widely used whitening agent, has come […]

Як створюється БГЗО

How the MSG is made MSG, chemically named sodium glutamate (Monosodium glutamate, MSG), is a white crystal or powdered substance with a strong umami flavor. Glutamate is a non-essential amino acid widely found in a variety of foods, such as tomato, cheese and meat. The umami flavor of MSG comes from the combination of glutamate […]

Таурин: Застосування та аналіз перспектив ринку

Taurine: Applications and Market Prospects Analysis Taurine, a sulfur-containing amino acid derivative, has gained significant attention in recent years due to its diverse applications and promising market prospects.   In terms of applications, taurine plays a crucial role in various fields. In the healthcare industry, it is widely used as a dietary supplement. It is […]

Карамельний колір: покращуйте свою продукцію за допомогою економічно вигідних, високоякісних барвників.

Caramel Color : Enhance Your Products with Cost-Effective, High-Quality Colorants. Introduction to Caramel Color Caramel color is one of the oldest and most commonly used food colorings in the world. It ranges from pale yellow-brown to deep dark brown, depending on the specific production process. Caramel color is produced through the controlled heat treatment of […]

Роль і відмінність бікарбонату амонію та бікарбонату натрію у водопідготовці

The Role and Difference of Ammonium Bicarbonate and Sodium Bicarbonate in Water Treatment Water treatment is a crucial step in ensuring the safety and sustainable use of water resources. Ammonium bicarbonate (NH4HCO3) and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) are two common chemical substances that play a key role in regulating water quality and removing pollutants as water […]

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