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Pozvánka na prehliadku našich potravinárskych aditív na veľtrhu Gulfood 2024.

Dear Customer,

We are excited to invite you to visit us at the Gulfood Manufacturing in Dubai from 5-7 NOVEMBER 2024. Our team at Dalian Future International Co., Ltd.  will be showcasing our latest range of food additives, designed to enhance your products and meet the evolving demands of the food industry.

This is a fantastic opportunity to explore our innovative solutions and discuss how we can support your business needs. We would be delighted to meet you at our booth HALL 8-H44.

Thank you for considering our invitation. We look forward to the chance to connect and collaborate.

Best regards,

FIC team


Viac príspevkov

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E-mail: Info@Ficchem.Com
Telefón: +86 13998689886
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