Zákazníkom poskytujeme bezplatné vzorky s hmotnosťou najviac 500 g na testovanie.

Konzervačná látka pre potraviny

Rozmanitosť čerstvého ovocia a zeleniny

Food grade preservative History of food grade preservatives Food grade preservative has existed a long time before. In the past, humans have no chemical synthetic food preservatives; people have found a large number of ways to extend the shelf life of food. The first thing is to use salted meat to prolong the preservation time […]

Agar v prášku

rôzne agárové kuchyne

Agar powder Today our theme is agar powder, also known as agar-agar, Haidong cuisine, frozen powder, agar, stone gum,kanten, is a kind of vegetable gum, commonly used seafood Eucheuma, stone cauliflower, it is a colorless, solid shape without a fixed shape, soluble in hot water. It is widely used in the food industry and is […]

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