Wat is erger, fructose of dextrose?

Which is worse, fructose or dextrose Which is worse, fructose or dextrose Fructose and dextrose are two common sugars in daily life. They are widely found in various foods, such as vegetables, fruits and honey. dextrose and fructose are important substances that provide energy for the body, but too much of them can be harmful to […]
Do you know how or where to buy citric acid?

Do you know how or where to buy citric acid? I am thinking about how to buy citric acid. Before you know where to buy citric acid, you have to figure out what citric acid is. Before you know where to buy citric acid, you have to figure out what citric acid is. When we […]
What is Ammonium Bicarbonate?

What is Ammonium Bicarbonate? Know what is ammonium bicarbonate from physical properties and chemical properties Ammonium bicarbonate is a white compound that appears white at room temperature, granular crystals, and has a trace amount of ammonia odor. It should be noted in preservation because ammonium bicarbonate is a carbonate that reacts with the acid to […]
Food Grade Xanthan Gum – Take You To Learn About Xanthan Gum

Food Grade Xanthan Gum – Take You To Learn About Xanthan Gum The origin of xanthan gum Xanthan gum, also known as Hansheng gum, was discovered in the laboratory of the US Department of Agriculture. In a project to test the potential use of a variety of polymers, the substance was discovered. Since then, xanthan […]
Food grade preservative

Food grade preservative History of food grade preservatives Food grade preservative has existed a long time before. In the past, humans have no chemical synthetic food preservatives; people have found a large number of ways to extend the shelf life of food. The first thing is to use salted meat to prolong the preservation time […]
Agar powder

Agar powder Today our theme is agar powder, also known as agar-agar, Haidong cuisine, frozen powder, agar, stone gum,kanten, is a kind of vegetable gum, commonly used seafood Eucheuma, stone cauliflower, it is a colorless, solid shape without a fixed shape, soluble in hot water. It is widely used in the food industry and is […]
Fosforzuur - altijd om ons heen

Fosforzuur - altijd om ons heen Drink je graag een blikje ijscola na het sporten? Kies je ervoor om een fles cola te openen om 's avonds laat te genieten van de langverwachte tv-serie? Heb je ooit de ingrediëntenlijst van frisdrank opgemerkt wanneer je ervan geniet? Als je erop let, zul je [...]
Weet je iets over druivensuiker?

Weet jij iets over dextrose? Wat is dextrose? De Engelse naam voor dextrose of glucose. Dextrose, ook wel maïsdextrose, maïssuiker of kortweg dextrose genoemd, is de meest verspreide en belangrijkste monosacharide in de natuur. Het is een polyhydroxyaldehyde. Pure dextrose is een kleurloos kristal, zoet maar niet zo zoet als [...]
Sucrose en Sucralose

Sucrose en Sucralose Zowel Sucrose als Sucralose zijn suikers die je een goed gevoel geven. Hun grondstoffen komen van sacharose en suikerbieten, maar sacharose wordt verkregen door ingewikkelde bereidingsmethoden en sacharose is een van de meest voorkomende natuurlijke suikers. We zullen respectievelijk sacharose en sucralose introduceren. Sacharose: In de natuur hebben planten [...]