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China shipping industry development trend shipping market

China’s shipping industry has a rare opportunity to integrate into the world economic system, which will bring rare development opportunities to China’s shipping industry.Mainly displays in: one is the political and economic environment at home and abroad, is conducive to the further development of China’s foreign trade, transport demand will be increased significantly, for the development of shipping industry to provide ample supply.The second is the strength of the transportation infrastructure construction and utilization of foreign capital scale, will further improve the port and waterway transportation infrastructure and equipment technical level, to greatly speed up the process of China’s modernization of port and shipping.Three is China shipping will speed up the marketization process, promote the market competition mechanism perfecting, beneficial to the improvement of the Chinese shipping industry, the overall service level, to improve the international competitiveness of shipping enterprises.
China shipping industry faces a challenge is in the period of economic system transition in China, the imperfect laws and regulations, market mechanism is imperfect, to adapt to WTO rules of water transportation management system has not really established.It is necessary to make arduous efforts to create a favorable competitive environment for Chinese and foreign shipping operators.The second is that China’s Hong Kong and Hong Kong airlines are not competitive in terms of capital strength, technical level and managerial talent compared with those in developed countries.Three aspects in water transportation infrastructure is relatively weak, unreasonable structure of contradiction is very outstanding, port and waterway can’t meet the needs of the development of ship’s large-scale, water transportation infrastructure construction task is quite heavy.The ship capacity structure will gradually improve the reform and opening to the international shipping market in China gradually to the world market, which greatly promotes the development of shipping industry in China.Ship structure optimization step by step in China, the number of vessels by more than 370000 to 370000, the ship’s deadweight by more than 3000 50 million deadweight tons to ten thousand tons, mainly engaged in international trade transportation fleet development to more than 3700 tons.In the 21st century, China’s shipping policy adjustment direction clear advance shipping market opening to the outside world, gradually with the international prevailing rules In the face of opportunities and challenges from the WTO and economic globalization, we will speed up the legislative process, foster the market mechanism, to speed up the pace of the traffic infrastructure construction, efforts to foreign shipping operators to create a good competitive environment, establish and perfect a unified open, competitive and orderly water transport market, to promote sustained, rapid and healthy development of water transportation industry in our country.We will speed up the construction of shipping infrastructure and provide a good port service for Chinese and foreign shipping operators. China will continue to strengthen the construction of water transport infrastructure such as ports and waterways.We will continue to strengthen the construction of the main hub port, develop regional key ports, moderately build local and small ports, and gradually expand the modern port functions with modern integrated logistics as the center.To greatly improve the main river near the mouth of the river channel and main hub port waterway navigation condition, speed up the construction of container, bulk large deepwater berths, adapt to the development trend of large scale, specialization of international shipping vessels.Key construction and transformation of container hub port, corresponding development of feeder port and feeding port.In order to accelerate the construction and function development of port supporting facilities, the port area will gradually form industrial, commercial and logistics centers.Accelerate scientific and technological innovation, optimize the structure of shipping industry, promote the development of shipping and adapt to the development trend of international shipping market, encourage scientific and technological innovation, and we will actively promote the structural adjustment of the shipping industry.One is to speed up the shipping capacity by structure adjustment, promote the ocean, coastal ships to develop in the direction of large-scale, professional, high speed, focus on developing large bulk carriers, large oil tankers, container ships, liquefied gas, car ro-ro ship;We will promote the development of inland river vessels in the direction of standardization and serialization, focusing on the development of inland waterways self-propelled vessels, top-pushing vessels, river and sea direct vessels and container ships;The second is to speed up the transportation structure adjustment, promote water regular passenger to high speed, travel, roll-on, direction of regional development, promote the coal, oil, food, mining and other bulk specialized transport system, improve the average tonnage ship, transportation development scale;Third, we will accelerate the restructuring of shipping enterprises and encourage enterprises to develop in scale and collectivize.The development of modern logistics is still in its infancy, and the market potential and development prospects are very broad.As the distribution of matter, the port has special advantages in the development of logistics.The rapid development of international ocean container transportation, around the port and shipping, form a complete set of container freight station field, is established around the port transportation system, electronic data interchange system gradually improve, to build the port city into a logistics centre basic mature.We encourage Chinese and foreign shipping companies to participate in the market competition of logistics service as soon as possible and provide high quality transportation services for the development of China’s international trade.



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