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nātrijahidrāta cenas ražošana/piegādātājs paskaidro cenu tendenci

kalcinētās sodas cenas

soda ash prices manufacture/ supplier explain the price trend   About the Follow-up Impact of Soda ash prices So far, the soda ash manufacture in Inner Mongolia production has been stopped after the Spring Festival and there was no news of a return to work before the press release. May is coming soon, in May, several […]

Kas ir maltodekstrīns

Kas ir maltodekstrīns

What is Maltodextrin   What is Maltodextrin This is a polysaccharide component that acts as a food additive. It is extracted from starch by a process of hydrolysis. It is white in colour. It is easily digested since it is similar to glucose in nature. However, compared to glucose, it is less sweet despite the fact […]

Pārtikas amonija hlorīds - jauns aromatizētājs

Pārtikas kvalitātes amonija hlorīds

Food Grade Ammonium Chloride – a new flavoring agent Food Grade Ammonium Chloride – a new flavoring agent The appearance of food grade ammonium chloride is colorless crystal or white granular powder, and is odorless. The taste is salty and bitter. In theory, ammonium chloride has a low moisture absorption capacity, but it can also be […]

Amonija hlorīda izmantošana dzeramā ūdens attīrīšanā

Amonija hlorīda lietošana

Application of ammonium chloride in drinking water treatment       Application of ammonium chloride in drinking water treatment On the processing of traditional drinking water treatment, Liquid Ammonia and Liquid Chlorine need to be added as disinfectant. However, there is always safety and transportation issues occurred. Especially in densely populated areas such as tourism, security issues are particularly […]

Pārtikas kvalitātes amonija hlorīds (pielietojums un priekšrocības pārtikā)

Amonija hlorīda izmantošana pārtikā

Food-grade Ammonium Chloride (Application and Advantages in food)    Ammonium Chloride Application in food Food grade Ammonium Chloride is a colorless crystal or white granular powder, odorless. It has a salty and bitter taste. It has low hygroscopicity, but it can also absorb moisture and agglomerate in wet and rainy weather. Powdered food grade Ammonium […]

Maltodekstrīna pielietojums pārtikas rūpniecībā

Maltodekstrīna pielietojums

Application of Maltodextrin in food industry Application of Maltodextrin Preface Maltodextrin, also known as water-soluble or enzymatic coldness. It is made of all kinds of starch as raw materials, by the enzymatic process to a low degree of control hydrolysis conversion, purification, drying. The raw materials are starchy corn, rice and so on. Can also be […]

Kādiem nolūkiem izmanto ksantāna sveķus? Kā lietot ksantāna sveķus?

ksantāna sveķi

What xanthan gum used for? How to use xanthan gum? Xanthan gum What xanthan gum used for? How to use it? What is xanthan gum xanthan gum also called Hanson gum. it’s a high molecular weight exopolysaccharide produced by microbial fermentation. The Ministry of Health of China officially approved the use of xanthan Gum in […]

ko dara nātrija bikarbonāts

kam izmanto nātrija bikarbonātu

what sodium bicarbonate do     What is Sodium Bicarbonate? Sodium bicarbonate is also known as Baking Soda. It is a white powder or fine crystal, odourless and tasteless, soluble in water. The chemical formula is NaHCO3. Sodium bicarbonate is an acid salt formed by the neutralization of a strong base with a weak acid, and it is […]


APPLICATION OF FOOD ADDITIVES DEXTROSE(GLUCOSE) What is dextrose monohydrate? Why its important in daily life? Dextrose, organic compound, molecular formula C6H12O6. Divided into monohydrate glucose (C6H12O6.H2O) and anhydrous glucose (C6H12O6).Its also called dextrose monohydrate  or dextrose anhydrous. It is the most widely distributed and most important monosaccharide in nature. It is a polyhydroxy aldehyde. Pure […]

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