CAS numeris | 11114-20-8 |
Molekulinė formulė | C24H36O25S2 |
EINECS No:232-524-2 | 232-524-2 |
Išvaizda | Balti milteliai |
Minimalus užsakymo kiekis | 20MT |
Pakavimo ir pakavimo specifikacijos | 25 kg/maišą, |
Taikymo sritis | Food preservatives |
8. Taikymas:
Carrageenan is commonly used as a thickener, gelling agent, suspension agent, emulsifier, and stabilizer in the food industry.
It is widely used in the manufacture of jelly, ice cream, cakes, soft candy, cans, meat products, eight treasure porridge, tremella and bird’s nest, soup food, cold food, etc.