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소다회 가격

soda ash prices manufacture/ supplier explain the price trend   About the Follow-up Impact of Soda ash prices So far, the soda ash manufacture in Inner Mongolia production has been stopped after the Spring Festival and there was no news of a return to work before the press release. May is coming soon, in May, several […]



What is Maltodextrin   What is Maltodextrin This is a polysaccharide component that acts as a food additive. It is extracted from starch by a process of hydrolysis. It is white in colour. It is easily digested since it is similar to glucose in nature. However, compared to glucose, it is less sweet despite the fact […]

Food Grade Ammonium Chloride – a new flavoring agent

Food Grade Ammonium Chloride

Food Grade Ammonium Chloride – a new flavoring agent Food Grade Ammonium Chloride – a new flavoring agent The appearance of food grade ammonium chloride is colorless crystal or white granular powder, and is odorless. The taste is salty and bitter. In theory, ammonium chloride has a low moisture absorption capacity, but it can also be […]

Application of ammonium chloride in drinking water treatment

Application of ammonium chloride

Application of ammonium chloride in drinking water treatment       Application of ammonium chloride in drinking water treatment On the processing of traditional drinking water treatment, Liquid Ammonia and Liquid Chlorine need to be added as disinfectant. However, there is always safety and transportation issues occurred. Especially in densely populated areas such as tourism, security issues are particularly […]

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