バニリンパウダー バニリンパウダーは最初の合成香料である。1874年にドイツでバニリンパウダーが初めて工業生産されて以来、バニリンパウダーは食品業界全体から求められてきました。なぜなら、バニリンの主な官能部分の核は、バニラの味が豆の甘さに加わり、人々がこの味に夢中になりやすいからです。今日、バニリンは食品や飲料において天然のバニラエキスを凌駕し、食品・飲料業界にとって食欲を増進させる最初の選択肢となっている。食品香料としてのバニリンパウダー バニラは最も万能なフレーバーのひとつであるため、人々は [...]...
リグノスルホン酸塩といえば、誰もが世界で最も豊富な再生可能資源であるリグニンを思い浮かべるだろう。同時に、リグニンは世界最大の芳香族化合物でもあり、リグニンは木材や樹皮に広く含まれています。リグニンは植物に硬い性質を与え、植物の重さを維持します。植物の細胞壁の主成分のひとつである。骨に含まれるカルシウムのように、カルシウムが不足すると骨に様々な事態が起こる。ひどい場合には、ベッドから起き上がることさえ困難になる。リグニンが不足した植物でも、同じような状況が起こりうる。リグニンを欠く植物 [...]...
精製パラフィンワックス パラフィンの発見 パラフィンワックスは、ドイツの科学者が石油に含まれる天然由来のワックス状物質を分離・精製する過程で偶然に得たものである。精製パラフィンワックスは、それまでのロウソクと違い、燃焼がきれいで安定し、製造コストが安い。この方法で製造されたロウソクは無色無臭で、完全燃焼が可能です。これは従来の獣脂ロウソクよりも優れた特性を持っており、ロウソク製造業界において重要な進歩を意味する。同じパラフィンでも用途が違う パラフィンワックスの原料は通常ルースワックスで、オイルは結晶化によって分離される。用途を決める [...]...
SLES SLES(Sodium lauryl ether sulfate) in our lives If you are pursuing a high quality of toiletries, I think you already know the products represented by the two abbreviations SLS and SLES, yes, this is the indispensable foaming agent Laurel in our toiletries Sodium ether sulfate, in most of our toiletries and beauty products, contains one of these two raw materials. It can act as a surfactant, produce the foam we like, and have a cleaning effect. SLES Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) is present in many daily health products and beauty products. Because it can act as a surfactant to reduce the tension between ingredients, it can […]
The company’s tenth anniversary will start soon
The company’s tenth anniversary will start soon There are still 20 days before the tenth anniversary of the company on August 18, 2020. We have prepared a wealth of anniversary activities. Unfortunately, our most important guests cannot be there because of the epidemic. But in the heart of Dalian Fuyoute, you have always been one of us. Elements.Our event is expected to last for one day, starting at 4 pm and expected to last for 5 hours. During these five hours, we will describe the ups and downs of the company in the past ten years according to the process of the celebration, and how the company has gradually developed […]
Is propylene glycol harmful to the human body?
Is propylene glycol harmful to the human body? Recently, a TV program in the inspection and analysis of wet tissues on the market declared that “propylene glycol is a low-toxic chemical solvent. If you wipe your hands with wet tissues (containing propylene glycol) for a long time, and then eat, it will cause toxic substances. Entering the gastrointestinal tract, there is a potential safety hazard.” While causing a new round of public panic about wet wipes, it also caused people to fear propylene glycol. In fact, the TV show was wrong about propylene glycol. Propylene glycol is not only a legal skin care moisturizer and antibacterial agent, but also a […]
Monosodium Glutamate
Monosodium Glutamate What is MSG(Monosodium Glutamate)? How was MSG discovered? The full name of MSG is Monosodium Glutamate. The main thing that attracts people’s attention is glutamate. The first discovery of this substance was in the laboratory of a German scientist in 1866 when he used sulfuric acid to treat wheat gluten. It was a Japanese scientist (Shinna Ikeda) who made this substance appear in people’s field of vision. He discovered this substance that can enhance taste from kelp in 1908 and called it this substance. It is extremely delicious and has a taste (sweet, salty, sour, bitter) that has not been scientifically documented. Until 1909, Japan began to produce […]
FIC 10th Anniversary Documentary
FIC 10th Anniversary Documentary Gratitude for ten years, go with dreams 2010-2020 10th Anniversary Dalian International Trade Fuyoute Co., Ltd. What kind of passions and dreams allowed the graduates of the newborn calves to complete the export of 300,000 US dollars in the first anniversary of the establishment of the company? What kind of persistence and belief allowed the company to expand its team five times within five years to achieve a sales of 50 million? What kind of credibility and service have allowed 58 well-known domestic and foreign customers to work together and cooperate with Fuyoute in good faith for ten years? What kind of group of people shouldered […]
Titanium Dioxide What is Titanium Dioxide White solid or powdered amphoteric oxides. Also known as titanium white. Chemical formula TiO2, molecular weight 79.9, melting point 1830~1850 °C, boiling point 2500~3000 °C. There are three variations of titanium dioxide that exist in nature: rutile is Tetragonal crystals; Anatase is a tetragonal crystal; Plate titanium ore is orthogonal crystals. The solubility of titanium dioxide in water is very small, however, it can be soluble in acids and alkalis, and the chemical equation of the reaction is as follows: Reaction of titanium dioxide and acid: TiO2+H2SO4=TiOSO4+H2O The reaction of titanium dioxide and alkali: TiO2 + 2NaOH = Na2TiO3 + H2O You Can […]