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τι κάνει το διττανθρακικό νάτριο

what sodium bicarbonate used for

what sodium bicarbonate do     What is Sodium Bicarbonate? Sodium bicarbonate is also known as Baking Soda. It is a white powder or fine crystal, odourless and tasteless, soluble in water. The chemical formula is NaHCO3. Sodium bicarbonate is an acid salt formed by the neutralization of a strong base with a weak acid, and it is […]


APPLICATION OF FOOD ADDITIVES DEXTROSE(GLUCOSE) What is dextrose monohydrate? Why its important in daily life? Dextrose, organic compound, molecular formula C6H12O6. Divided into monohydrate glucose (C6H12O6.H2O) and anhydrous glucose (C6H12O6).Its also called dextrose monohydrate  or dextrose anhydrous. It is the most widely distributed and most important monosaccharide in nature. It is a polyhydroxy aldehyde. Pure […]

Ποιο είναι χειρότερο, η φρουκτόζη ή η δεξτρόζη

dextrose or fructose

Which is worse, fructose or dextrose     Which is worse, fructose or dextrose Fructose and dextrose are two common sugars in daily life. They are widely found in various foods, such as vegetables, fruits and honey. dextrose and fructose are important substances that provide energy for the body, but too much of them can be harmful to […]

Τι είναι το διττανθρακικό αμμώνιο?

διττανθρακικό αμμώνιο

What is Ammonium Bicarbonate? Know what is ammonium bicarbonate from physical properties and chemical properties Ammonium bicarbonate is a white compound that appears white at room temperature, granular crystals, and has a trace amount of ammonia odor. It should be noted in preservation because ammonium bicarbonate is a carbonate that reacts with the acid to […]

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